Abstract published on the Gerontechnology 19 (suppl.)

Ramadhani, W. A., Harris, M. T., & Rogers, W. A. (2020). Aging in place: Perspectives across time and disciplines. Gerontechnology, 19(0), 1–1. https://doi.org/10.4017/gt.2020.19.s.70132


'Aging in place' is often touted as being key to successful aging. It becomes the goal for multiple interventions and programs developed by researchers, designers, policymakers, care, and service providers from different fields. The term aging in place is understood as the ideal despite an absence of clear and consistent definitions across disciplines. The popularity of aging in place as terminology in research articles has increased between 1980 to 20101. It also appears in policy documents and the public press. By investigating the root and growth of aging in place terminology, we aim to understand how aging in place definitions have changed over time in different disciplines, providing a foundational understanding that can inform the development of interventions and technological supports for successful aging.

Read the abstract here.


Article published on Innovation in Aging


Extended abstract published on the IAPS 2019 Symposium Book of Abstracts